
May our friends, family, and health-care providers be reassured by the evidence.

Please see this page too:

Yes, the CDC does recognizes MCS, in their own policies:

The CDC and MCS

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity:

Reflections by Dr. L. Christine Oliver and Alison Johnson

Dr. L. Christine Oliver is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Co-Director of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A Life Altering Condition

This documentary features numerous medical professionals and emphasizes the importance of making our workplaces safer for those who suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), so that they can remain productive members of the workforce. Footage includes interviews with Gulf War veterans and 9/11 First Responders who have developed MCS.

From “The Canadian Family Physician”, the official journal of the College of Family Physicians of Canada:

Pandemic of idiopathic multimorbidity

“Despite the entertaining educational soiree with my colleagues, I wondered whether industry-sponsored medical education was the best means to keep physicians apprised of emerging scientific information. If this approach to knowledge translation and the historical pendulum from research to clinical practice continue, we can expect it will take the usual 1 to 2 generations before health practitioners are familiar with the documented pathophysiological mechanisms and restorative approach to many cases of multimorbidity. If so, countless individuals with apparently inexplicable multisystem complaints will needlessly suffer and receive an incorrect label of being psychiatrically disordered. By the end of the evening, 3 things were evident: that the pandemic of idiopathic multimorbidity was real, that health care costs were escalating, and that the share price of antidepressant manufacturers would likely continue north for years to come.”

From “The Canadian Family Physician”, the official journal of the College of Family Physicians of Canada:

Approach to patients with unexplained multimorbidity with sensitivities

Various toxic exposures and their bioaccumulation within the body frequently manifest as sensitivity-related illness. In clinical settings, patients with this disorder often present with otherwise unexplained multimorbidity and sensitivities. The health status of patients with this condition can be ameliorated by removing triggers (eg, scented products), optimizing biochemistry, removing further sources of toxicant exposures, and eliminating the internal dose of persistent toxicants.

Sensitivity-related illness: the escalating pandemic of allergy, food intolerance and chemical sensitivity. (Genuis)

Chemical Sensitivity position statement from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM).

Selected Bibliography of Studies and Articles on Chemical Sensitivity Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals

by John Molot, MD, FCFP, staff physician at the Environmental Health Clinic at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto;

Other reports from Ontario that have received funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) and the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) including “The Quantitative Data” and “Recognition, inclusion and equity – The time is now: Perspectives of Ontarians living with ES/MCS, ME/CFS and FM”

Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) Policy on Environmental Sensitivities

Canadian Human Rights Commission document PDFs:

The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities (PDF) 2007


Annotated Bibliography for The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities
266 citations, 98 pages (Sears, 2007)  PDF

Accommodation for Environmental Sensitivities Legal Perspective (PDF) 2007

A major paper on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity by Professor Martin L. Pall was published as chapter 92 in a prestigious reference work for professional toxicologists:

Wiley: General and Applied Toxicology, 6 Volume Set, 3rd Edition (2009, John Wiley & Sons)
This edition reflects developments within the field that have taken place since the second edition was published in 1999.

The content is similar to what can be found here on Dr Pall’s website:

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Toxicological and Sensitivity Mechanisms (site is down)


This page is in serious need of updating, as many links no longer exist, and the newer research has not been added.
If anyone wishes to help with this project, please make a comment with your contact info (it will not be published) and I will get back to you.

Thank you!

PDF download of the professionally acclaimed Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes, Second Edition by Nicholas A. Ashford and Claudia S. Miller is available here (along with the QEESI test and other info)
Available on a new site

Ontario College of Family Physicians Environmental Health Publications and Tools

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and the Workplace: Current Position and Need for an Occupational Health Surveillance Protocol

James Madison University Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Research ???
I think there’s a new site for this too

Scientific Studies (including many free full texts to download)

Research: (site is down)

Including papers by:
Nicholas Ashford, Ph.D., J.D.
Iris R. Bell, M.D.
Gloria Gilbere, N.D. D.A. Hom., Ph.D.
Gunnar Heuser, M.D.
Josef Krop, M.D.
Allan D. Lieberman, M.D.
William J. Meggs, M.D., Ph.D.
Claudia Miller, M.D.
Martin L Pall, Ph.D.
Doris J. Rapp, M.D.
William J. Rea, M.D.
Sherry R. Rogers, M.D.
Gerald H. Ross, M.D.
Grace Ziem, M.D.
Other Researchers

Bibliography of all peer-reviewed scientific papers, official reports, books and book chapters on MCS  up to 2007 (over 609 references)

Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link Part 1

Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link Part 2

Role of perfumes in pathogenesis of autism.

Reduction of autistic traits following dietary intervention and elimination of exposure to environmental substances

Toxic Mold Illness

National Defense Canada
16-17 May 2001
A PDF of this…interesting document… (is no longer on the National Defense website)

The Endangered Brain, Chemical Brain Injury
“The idea that the brain is the most susceptible body organ to the adverse effects of chemicals seemed a remote possibility a decade or two ago …
These workers’ complaints of memory loss, inability to concentrate, dizziness, lightheadedness, and loss of balance led Dr. Kilburn to consider how to measure brain functions. He borrowed and adapted tests and built devices to measure key brain activities, and learned to find out how symptoms predicted losses of balance, quickness, and strength, and loss of vision for color and form….”

MCS Under Siege by Ann McCampbell, MD
Published in Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, January 2001, Issue #210

Canadians’ Right to Know Opposed by Chemical Industry
Vancouver, BC – A coalition of health and environmental organizations from across the country are demanding that the federal government change the law so that Canadians can find out what’s in consumer products.
The groups want the ingredients in everyday products such as cleaners and pesticides to be clearly identified so that people can make informed decisions about exposing themselves and their families to cancer-causing chemicals or hormone disruptors.

Regarding IEI and the false claim that “The World Health Organization in 1996 proposed the term “idiopathic environmental intolerance” (IEI) be used instead”.

“One of the more outrageous claims that the chemical industry and its associates make is that the World Health Organization (WHO) supports the name change from MCS to IEI. The WHO was one of the sponsors of an International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPSC) workshop on MCS held in Germany in February 1996. This workshop was dominated by industry-associated participants and had no representatives from environmental, labor, or consumer groups. Instead, the non-governmental participants were individuals employed by BASF, Bayer, Monsanto, and Coca Cola (43). It was at this meeting that the decision was made to try to change the name of MCS to IEI….
In any case, the WHO issued a statement to the workshop participants after the meeting to try to put a stop to claims that WHO supported the name change from MCS to IEI. It stated that “A workshop report to WHO, with conclusions and recommendations, presents the opinions of the invited experts and does not necessarily represent the decision or the stated policy of WHO.” It goes on to say that “with respect to ‘MCS,’ WHO has neither adopted nor endorsed a policy or scientific opinion” (45). Despite this explicit disclaimer, claims that the World Health Organization supports IEI continue to be made by MCS opponents.

MCS Under Siege


Ashford and Miller wrote about IEI and the 1996 World Health Organization workshop on MCS too:
“The four “NGO representatives” were full-time employees of BASF, Bayer, Monsanto, and Coca Cola, the first three of which claimed affiliation with an industry-funded science institute (the European Centre for Environment and Toxicology).’ Ronald Gots, director of the Environmental Sensitivities Research Institute, whose members included DowElanco, Monsanto, Procter and Gamble, and the Cosmetic Toiletries and Fragrances Association, was a participant and ‘was also invited to give the “U.S. perspective” on MCS’. Various outside “observers”, some of whom were involved in a lawsuit about “wood preservative syndrome”, were involved in drafting and possibly voting on the recommendations. After certain participants wrongly claimed that IEI was now WHO’s official name for MCS and IPCS received a letter of protest from 80 prominent U.S. scientists and physicians, ‘IPCS clarified the status of the IEI name by issuing a notice stating that WHO had “neither adopted nor endorsed a policy or scientific opinion on MCS.”’ The report now contains disclaimers, including ‘that the document does not necessarily represent the decisions or stated policy of UNEP, ILO, or WHO, that it does not constitute a formal publication; and that it should not be reviewed, abstracted or quoted without the written permission of the Director of the IPCS.”

~ Ashford and Miller, Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes p.279-284

Symptom Profile of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Actual Life

Objective: This study was conducted to confirm the definition of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) in actual life: that multiple symptoms are provoked in multiple organs by exposure to, and ameliorated by avoidance of, multiple chemicals at low levels. We used the Ecological Momentary Assessment to monitor everyday symptoms and the active sampling and passive sampling methods to measure environmental chemical exposure.

Conclusions: MCS patients do not have either somatic or psychologic symptoms under chemical-free conditions, and symptoms may be provoked only when exposed to chemicals.

>From the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine (M.S., H.K., K.Y., T.K.), Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; the Educational Physiology Laboratory …

Moving into the future:



Campaign for the Ontario Centre of Excellence in Environmental Health  (OCEEH)

If we had the right to a healthy environment instead of the right to pollute, so much illness and suffering would be prevented. We can work together to make sure we put an end to this often completely debilitating and disabling yet preventable condition (and many others) by taking care not to pollute our shared air, water, and food, and to change the laws and regulations so that industries are no longer allowed to pollute for profit, but must act responsibly to preserve the health of all living beings as well as the planet we depend upon for life support. We were not designed to be polluted.

Apologies for the formatting.  I haven’t figured out how to make the appearance of posts like this easier on the eyes when WordPress changes things from the way I want them. If anyone out there wants to help me with this, it would be much appreciated.

16 responses to “Research

  1. Please let me know if there’s something I have missed and should include.

  2. excellent research page Linda … and the appearance is fine.
    thank you for all of your hard work in compiling this evidence.
    of course, as always, wishing none of this is necessary.

    • Thank you…

      When enough people want and believe a world where health and well-being are more important than polluting for profit, things will change.

  3. I will pass this on to all the doctors and sufferers I know (that speak english of course) ♡♡♡
    What a fantastic acknowledgement and teaching aid! Thanks so very much ♡♡♡

    • You’re welcome. It’s good to have access to these.
      I actually read most of the ones from many years ago.
      As I am able, I will add more of the recent research too.
      I think the autism community will yield more truth too.

  4. Great links here, Linda. Thank you so much :)

  5. “The publications listed on this page are a collection of peer-reviewed academic papers, newspaper articles, books and fact sheets regarding MCS/TILT/DELTA that are publicly available from other individuals and institutions.”

  6. I have been looking for ways to get better … to heal this if I can. What are my options as far as you have found Linda?
    I was looking at glutathione depletions and problems with detox gene genetic testing and methylation treatment with B12 a special folate .. many other supplements as to the Amy Yasko protocol.

    Has anyone tried any of this and did any of it work. Also I found an utube video of a lady who did coffee enemas she said they really helped- anyone try it? opinions suggestions all welcome… please don’t leave me hanging here… thanks.

  7. PS I searched treatments here and did not find anything if there is a place here where treatments are grouped please redirect this post and send me a link to where it is.
    Thank you.

    • Hi Sandy,
      Thanks for asking!

      I don’t have a specific post up with treatments as they can be quite variable, depending on what led to the person developing MCS/ES, the science is also still emerging (look into therapies for autism and you will find some exciting developments that seem to mirror what helps people with MCS/ES), and also because I haven’t had the energy to compile everything.

      My MCS/ES page does have some links that might help, and the post with Martin Pall’s public health warning has a link to his protocol, but aside from that, the basics involve stressing the importance of avoiding exposures, drinking purified water, eating unprocessed organic food, getting rid of toxic products, addressing stress with good coping strategies, and I will add “speaking up so that we are no longer invisible”.

  8. Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder

  9. There are many similarities between autism and MCS/ES and Dr Martha Herbert has a really good understanding of what’s happening and is researching what can be done.

    Martha Herbert, MD,

  10. Abstract
    The Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) is a validated questionnaire used worldwide to assess intolerances to chemicals, foods, and drugs, and has emerged as the gold standard for assessing chemical intolerance (CI). Despite a reported prevalence of 8–33%, epidemiological studies and routine primary care clinics rarely assess CI.

    To help address this gap, we developed the Brief Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (BREESI)—a 3-item CI screening tool. We tested the BREESI’s potential to predict whether an individual is likely to be classified as chemically intolerant if administered the 50-item QEESI.

    The BREESI is a versatile screening tool for assessing potential CI useful for clinical and epidemiological applications, based upon individuals’ past adverse responses in a variety of settings. Just as health care professionals routinely inquire about latex allergy to prevent adverse reactions, the BREESI provides an essential screen for CI. Together, the BREESI and QEESI provide new diagnostic tools that may help predict and prevent future adverse reactions to chemicals, foods, and drugs.

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