I Love Pollution

 Said No-one Ever

said no one ever 3.

Although, come to think of it, maybe someone HAS said they love pollution!

Those who profit while creating it are no-doubt not complaining about pollution, and some of  those who sell us things like inhalers and  drugs are actually loving pollution’s effects on their bank balances:

BIG money

“Billionaires listed as having interests in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors saw their collective net worth increase by 47 percent.”

Why is this happening? Why are we being made sick so others can profit from it?

Maybe this has something to do with it?

BIG money lobbying by pharmaceutical industry

“During 2013, they spent more than $500 million lobbying policy makers in Washington and Brussels.”

(screenshots and quotes from the OXFAM report)

Those who sell us masks, oxygen and  air filtration systems must be pretty happy with their increasing profits too, but still, I am grateful that there is at least something we can use to relieve some of the symptoms, IF we can afford to access these interventions.

Sadly, many of us are denied that opportunity now, because, also according to that OXFAM report:  “The combined wealth of the richest 1 percent will overtake that of the other 99 percent of people next year unless the current trend of rising inequality is checked, Oxfam warned today ahead of the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos.” …

What do you think?

Should industry be allowed?

Somehow, I can’t but help think that something’s not quite right about this state of affairs, and that we should do something to make polluting people for profit a crime!

3 responses to “I Love Pollution

  1. Hi…not to forget the Pest Control companies making a fortune from all the bed bug infestation occurring – laundry machine companies – chemically-laden detergents/fabric softeners (chemicals yet again), etc.

  2. There’s a great list of recent research on the adverse health effects of air pollution from Our Health and Environment Blog:

    Air pollution and health articles and studies from the second quarter of 2015

    Diseases, Vectors, Specific Chemicals or Life Phases: What’s Your Pleasure?

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