Tag Archives: Water

Earth Day Human Canary Starter Pack

Human Canaries are what’s left after the signs from wildlife and nature weren’t respected, but we’re not long for this earth either, unless there are some significant changes in people’s daily habits – yes, things everyone can start to do RIGHT NOW!

Let’s start with some hashtags:

#HumanCanaries #EnvironmentalSensitivities #EarthDay #EarthDay2021 #MotherEarth #ChemicalSensitivity #MCS #EHS #IAQ #EnvironmentalHealth #air #water #disabilities #ScentFree #FragranceFree #BeFragranceFree #NonToxic #StopTheKill
Then move on to some science and other research (with apologies for the formatting, I really hate wordpress now):

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What Now?


A brief account of a seriously “sensitive” to pollution person living in a society where fragranced and toxic products are more important than lives, where disabled lives are disposeable, where it’s now easy to be euthanized (even for for externally imposed and inflicted) suffering, but not to receive support to remove the causes of suffering, causes and conditions that have been made systemic for many people with disabilities.

I’m not a poet and I know it and I wrote it anyway…

What Now? Continue reading

Words Images Life Art Dance

While following the events at Standing Rock, I ran across something that impressed me that was shared from the “Dancing Earth” fb page,  and so I began following them  (please do check them out if you like powerful dance images).

At the end of April, just before MCS/ES Awareness Month was to begin, Dancing Earth posted the image below, and it made me stop in my tracks (as I scrolled through my fb newsfeed). I returned to it over and over again, and I finally asked for permission to share it here, and for the  back story about how it came to be.

This image!

Songs From The Extraction Zones
Rulan Tangen at Santa Fe Arts Institute

I kept hoping to find the words to describe why I find it to be such a powerful image, and why I feel such a personal connection to it, but I’ve been struggling from the effects of too much pollution on my brain. Pesticides, laundry products, and who knows what else have been taking their toll on my ability to string words together to do this the justice I feel it deserves, so this will not be as eloquent as I had hoped it would be, but I still want to share this with you, and maybe you will find some of your own words, or just sit with the feelings.

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Research Shows Harmful Chemicals Can Remain In Clothing Even After Washing

“Exposure to these chemicals increases the risk of allergic dermatitis, but more severe health effect for humans as well as the environment could possibly be related to these chemicals. Some of them are suspected or proved carcinogens and some have aquatic toxicity,”

textile chemical release

Giovanna Luongo found that there are harmful chemical residues left in clothing even after 10 washes and presents the information in her Doctoral Thesis, Chemicals in textiles A potential source for human exposure and environmental pollution.

This scientifically validates what some of us have been saying for years, that some harmful chemical residues can be extremely difficult if not impossible to remove, (as the rigmarole we have to go through in an attempt to have safe to wear clothing to wear attests), and that normally undetectable trace levels can cause disabling effects.

Many chemicals present in clothing (and bedding) enter the human body via dermal absorption, and can be detected in urine hours later!

This poster shows how chemicals enter our bodies:

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Laundry Woes Six Years Later

6 years

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Nature and Creativity

Sometimes it’s nice to take a break, and if possible, get creative.
Being and playing in nature is especially soothing and healing, and usually offers a variety of non-toxic materials to express our creativity with.
For some of us, getting away isn’t always an option, so here are a couple of videos to provide some much needed respite and perhaps some inspiration too.

and a jazzy little clip here:

I hope you enjoy this little break as much as I did.

Check out his website for more: http://www.gravityglue.com/

Michael Grab gravityglue.com

Michael Grab

Personal Care Products, Pesticides, Health and Water…

The Toxic Evidence Piles Up and Doesn’t Wash Away

We all breathe the air. We all drink water. We all eat. We all wash ourselves.

We should be able to do this safely.


so many toxic chemicals used in everyday products and materials, and found in our air, in our water, in our food, and in our brains and bodies?

Did you consent to this?

New reports have been released about toxic chemicals and health harm from products and materials most of us are exposed to a multitude of times on a daily basis…

Personal care products and pesticides

Poisoning Our Future
“Poisoning Our Future: Children and Pesticides”

PAN AP launched a (free) book on insidious effects of pesticides on children

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“The Big Fix”… Why We Need Peace, Not More Ecocide…

The Big Fix 

The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill


It’s explanatory.

The oil industry is not about peace. This film documents one of the greatest cases of Ecocide in our time, and the story behind it. Sadly, it’s not over yet.

Ecocide is the extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystem(s) of a given territory, whether by human agency or by other causes, to such an extent that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants of that territory has been or will be severely diminished.

Help make Ecocide a crime:


fish filters


Some Weblinks:

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All Fracked Up…

Fracking… It’s not all it’s cracked up to be… It’s a lot more!

I recently discovered that the Ontario government is exploring opportunities to frack us here too. Russell Ontario sits on black shale, twenty minutes from Ottawa! I’ve seen it mentioned that this is happening in other Ontario communities, as well as elsewhere across Canada.

The CBC article is short and says little, so please watch the video there if you are interested … (it won’t embed and the link to just that also doesn’t work)  http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2013/05/29/ottawa-russell-shale-gas-exploration.html

NO fracking

Why is the government, which is supposed to be looking after the best interests of people, exploring and allowing a technology that will destroy us all if it isn’t stopped?


To understand what some of the problems with fracking are, watch (or listen) to Sandra Steingraber, scientist, mother, writer, poet, cancer survivor, wisdom woman in this 5 part video series.

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Sandra Steingraber and Toxic Trespass on Bill Moyers: Video

For anyone interested in environmental health and the health of children, Sandra Steingraber is an inspiration and wealth of information. She has written several books and many articles. Her first book, Living Downstream, was turned into a feature film.

Biologist, mother and activist Sandra Steingraber discusses her fight against fracking and toxins contaminating our air, water and food.

Steingraber returns often to the concept of “toxic trespass” — which “means that chemicals without our consent enter our body sometimes because we inhale them”

Here she is in an interview with Bill Moyers, (you can watch it here or go to his website) and the link to her website is below, where you can access many of those articles and order her books.

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