Tag Archives: wireless dangers

School Boards to Pump Peanut Fragrance Into Schools!

peanut fragrance 1

Imagine if that were to happen?

How many people have peanut allergies?

“In the U.S., approximately three million people report allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. Studies show the number of children living with peanut allergy appears to have tripled between 1997 and 2008.”

The rise in peanut (and other food) allergies has been linked to the rise of toxic chemicals used by the food industry. Fragrances are also full of toxic chemicals.

How many people have fragrance allergies or “sensitivities”?

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Wireless Magic Music Video

Wireless isn't Magic 2Wireless Isn’t Magic!

Here’s a really catchy new educational song about wireless radiation,  via the ElectricSense youtube channel.

I wish I knew who “Disco Star Power” was, and where to find what else they have done, but a search did not reveal those secrets.

It reminds me of some old Brazilian psychedelic pop I used to enjoy, simple melody and music, and the singer has a beautiful soft voice.

Have a listen, and maybe learn something new too!

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Industrial Engineering Students Learn That EHS is a Functional Impairment… and More About Wireless

This presentation by Professor Olle Johansson about the biological and health effects of  electromagnetic pollution was given to a group of Industrial Engineering students in Barcelona, Spain and was recorded in October 2015. We are fortunate to be able to have access to easy to understand scientific presentations of this caliber.

Pr Olle Johansson presentation

Professor  Johansson, from the Neuroscience department at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, starts by saying the first problem is that they have no women in the class and then discussed how EHS is recognized as a functional impairment in Sweden, and how the environment must be modified to accommodate and include people with a functional impairment. (His recently published paper on the subject is also available below). He went on to describe other issues with wireless radiation and encouraged the class to come up with solutions.

I think it’s worth taking the time to watch, but I like learning about the things that are affecting our lives, and what we can and have to do now and to protect future generations, so that they have a chance at more than mere survival.

Adverse health effects of modern electromagnetic fields from wireless telecommunication, such as mobile phones and WiFi

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Why We Need “Sensitive” Human Canaries

“Sensitive” humans are not defective or here to inconvenience you.

maybe it is not me

Some canary history:

“Carbon monoxide, a potentially deadly gas devoid of color, taste or smell, can form underground during a mine fire or after a mine explosion.

Today’s coal miners must rely on carbon monoxide detectors and monitors to recognize its presence underground. However, before the availability of modern detection devices, miners turned to Mother Nature for assistance.

Canaries — and sometimes mice — were used to alert miners to the presence of the poisonous gas. Following a mine fire or explosion, mine rescuers would descend into the mine carrying a canary in a small wooden or metal cage.


Any sign of distress from the canary was a clear signal that the conditions underground were unsafe, prompting a hasty return to the surface.


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Your Wireless Devices Have Secrets

If you own ANY wireless devices, you really want to know about these secrets.

Right to Know 2

The following video is a must see video. It’s very easy to understand. These are secrets you need to know about, as if your life depended on it, because it actually might.

Highlights from the Massachusetts Statehouse Briefing on Wireless and Public Health:

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Report: RF EMR and the Health of Canadians

… “Numerous concerns relating to radiofrequency (RF) exposure were raised by witnesses during Committee meetings on Safety Code 6 as well as in the briefs that were submitted. …
Witnesses also spoke to possible links between RF exposure and cancer, reproductive issues and autism.These concerns tied in to other testimony that expressed unease about RF exposure in schools as a result of the use of Wi-Fi; the need for RF exposure limits and guidelines to protect vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, infants and children, and others who may be more susceptible to the effects of RF exposure; and electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
While witness testimony and briefs often emphasized the need for Health Canada to take a precautionary approach to RF exposure by reducing the limits established by Safety Code 6 (and sometimes provided examples of limits and other measures taken to protect populations from RF exposure in other jurisdictions), they also referred to steps that individuals can take to reduce their own RF exposure. Finally, some witnesses stated that industry should play a role in reducing RF exposure.” …
Report of the Standing Committee on Health
This much awaited report contains 12 major recommendations by effectively echoing the expert evidence heard by eight MPs during the recent hearings this Committee.
The List of Recommendations:

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Scientists Call for Immediate Precaution With Wireless Technology

On Monday May 11th, 190 scientists from 39 nations submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN member states and the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk. These exposures are a rapidly growing form of environmental pollution worldwide. Continue reading

Learning About the Health Effects of Wireless Technology


Health Effects of Wireless Technology Dr

Very few doctors have been taught about how environmental exposures to chemicals, molds, wireless radiation, and EMF fields impact our health. People are experiencing all kinds of adverse health effects from exposures, yet all too often remain undiagnosed and unable to address the true causes of their ill health or functional disabilities.

This is costing society dearly, hence it’s imperative that more people learn about all of the possible causes in order to prevent suffering, and save time, energy, and money.

Fortunately now, we have more resources for health-care practitioners, created by professionals who have been researching and treating the adverse health effects of wireless technologies. These presentations discuss the types of symptoms and conditions that are known to be affected by EMF/EMR and offer current knowledge and practices of how to deal with them.

Please watch, learn, and share the links with your health care teams.

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It’s Not You. It’s The Wireless.

Just like toxic chemicals aren’t adequately regulated to protect public health, neither are the levels of microwave radiation that we are all subjected to on a 24/7 basis, whether or not we want to be. And none of us have been asked if we consent to any this.

They (we?) are still raising awareness about smoking, breast cancer, asbestos, lead, and many other things they/we already know enough about to take action and stop the causes of adverse health effects from multiplying. Sadly, these days the toxic economy is more important than public health. So, we have to learn how to protect ourselves as best we can while working to change the system to one that values health and life more than money.

Here then are some photo memes and resources to raise awareness about the dangers of wireless (seeing as raising awareness is all we can do some days).

It s not you It s the wireless 3

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A Story That Needs To Be Heard: Part 2

Noise Sensitivity and “Frequency Effects”

beachy 1

The following sound-video is 6 1/2 minutes long and adds some detail to one of the health challenges described in

A Story That Needs To Be Heard: Part 1

(please listen to Part 1 first, if you can)

Here is Part 2

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