Daily Archives: June 18, 2015

Report: RF EMR and the Health of Canadians

… “Numerous concerns relating to radiofrequency (RF) exposure were raised by witnesses during Committee meetings on Safety Code 6 as well as in the briefs that were submitted. …
Witnesses also spoke to possible links between RF exposure and cancer, reproductive issues and autism.These concerns tied in to other testimony that expressed unease about RF exposure in schools as a result of the use of Wi-Fi; the need for RF exposure limits and guidelines to protect vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, infants and children, and others who may be more susceptible to the effects of RF exposure; and electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
While witness testimony and briefs often emphasized the need for Health Canada to take a precautionary approach to RF exposure by reducing the limits established by Safety Code 6 (and sometimes provided examples of limits and other measures taken to protect populations from RF exposure in other jurisdictions), they also referred to steps that individuals can take to reduce their own RF exposure. Finally, some witnesses stated that industry should play a role in reducing RF exposure.” …
Report of the Standing Committee on Health
This much awaited report contains 12 major recommendations by effectively echoing the expert evidence heard by eight MPs during the recent hearings this Committee.
The List of Recommendations:

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