Daily Archives: December 14, 2015

Wired Connection for iPads

Guest post by Beau Binder

LOW EMF/RF Wired Network Configuration of iPad Tested Successfully

Some interesting — and hopefully also good — news.

I just had success with connecting an iPad via wired Ethernet to the Internet and enjoying the additional freedom this configuration offers. iPads can offer a low-cost, low EMF/RF alternative for standard computers when used in this way.

NOTE: This is not a promotion of any products or services from any entity. It is just a report on something that may be of use to some in the EHS community.

using iPad with wired access

Typically, present-day iPads are forced to use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect to the Internet. But with this setup, one can have all wireless services disabled and still access the Internet via a wired Ethernet network.

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