Monthly Archives: January 2013

EAA Urges Precaution on Wireless, GMO’s, Nanotechnology and More

For those of you who like to keep up on these things, here’s another new report urging more precaution on wireless, GMO’s, nanotechnology, and more. Our current system allows new things to be unleashed on us without proper safety testing and precaution.  At 750 (free) pages, it’s a bit longer than a tweet or a fb update, but delving into it could change your life, and give you the resources to help create more urgently required changes around you.

Safe Canary Nest: Resources for people with MCS/ES

We have a fabulous new resource that Heather Awen has put together.

She writes:

The Safe Canary Nest was created in the first three months of my MCS diagnosis.  As I was scrambling like mad to find out where to shop, what to eat, how to afford it, which doctors to trust, and venturing into MCS online groups, my online folder “MCS” became massive. I found bits and pieces of information here and there, but nothing centralized.

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Do We Not Have the Right to a Healthy Environment?

The way things are now, polluters have more rights to pollute than we have to clean air and water. That is not the way it should be, and it can be changed.

air and water

In Brazil, they now have the right to a healthy environment!

From Ecojustice, where you can learn more and take action:

the Right to a Healthy Environment

But it’s not just chemical plants and industries that pollute our air and homes. 

People  also seem to expect the right to do what they want on their properties, even if that activity impairs the ability  of someone else next door or down the block to breathe  on their property.

Woodsmoke, tobacco smoke, pesticides, herbicides and toxic laundry products are some of the things that also leave the user’s property and enter neighboring  properties and homes, with sometimes devastating effects on the health of people and pets.

I think our right to do what we want on our own property should not include the right to prevent the next person from breathing properly on their property.

What do you think?

MCS/ES Safe Gift Ideas

Golden Gift

Thinking about all the toxic gifts out there, I thought that compiling a list of safeR non-toxic gift ideas might be helpful, as sometimes it’s hard to think of (or choose) something  when we are asked if we have too much brain fog going on. I know it has been for me.

I think the greatest gift would be if family and friends went fragrance and chemical free so we could enjoy their company.

Here’s a few other ideas I thought of:

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Fashion victim


In her blog post  Fashion victim,  Alysha writes about discovering the need for precaution when choosing her clothing, and mentions how my blog post on Greenpeace’s efforts to Detox Fashion helped open her eyes.

Thanks Alysha!

Guest Post: Personal Protection Against Electromagnetic Waves

Another danger from wireless technology,  discussed a bit here in the BioInitiative Report is that of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) /aka electromagnetic sensitivity, or one of the many potentially disabling “sensitivities” falling under the broader term Environmental Sensitivities (ES).

As the use of wireless technology increases, more and more people around the world are becoming disabled by, or “sensitive” to electromagnetic waves, and must find ways to survive and cope in the world, since safe sanctuaries are not yet available and life of some sort must go on. Some people are discovering special materials that can be used to make protective clothing, hoods, capes etc. Note that care must be taken to keep the waves from bouncing around inside the material.

Ryozo posted this account of what he must wear to his fb page and he agreed to share it here.

He lives in Japan and has MCS and EHS. He was a teacher by profession and now works to raise awareness about these conditions whenever he is able. He is a member of the Japanese organization CACP – Citizens Against Chemicals Pollution.

My way to protect from electromagnetic waves

by Ryozo Tamakoshi

Points to keep in mind

The causes and the conditions of chemical sensitivity or electromagnetic hypersensitivity are very various. My method is not always effective for all people. Ultimately, it may be important to find your own way. Please note that metal allergy could affect ability to use these protective clothes. Summer is so hot, this way is impossible. (This is only the protection from electromagnetic waves.)

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Wireless Warnings: BioInitiative Report on Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)

Wireless Warnings From the BioInitiative Report:


A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)

The updated report is now available for download and I’ve skimmed through some of it. What is clear is that there is enough evidence to be concerned, very concerned, about the exposures we are being subjected to. Current global wireless (and other) safety standards are not adequate to protect us from some pretty serious harm to our health. The report calls for immediate action in order to reduce threats to public health.

If you think there’s more than enough evidence to call for immediate precaution, then please share the link to the report with your lawmakers and legislators, and pay attention to tips you see on ways to protect yourself and your family until regulatory changes are made. And don’t be afraid to discuss this with others.

What follows are snippets I copied from parts of the report, things that stood out the most for me. They are not my words, they are copied from the report. If you want to see the actual research, download the report, it’s all in there.

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Hot Water Bottles

In other words, hot masons!

Non-toxic bedwarmers…

hot masons

If you have spare safe socks, you can drop the jars into socks so that in case you kick them out of bed, the glass would be contained, but I haven’t kicked one out yet! Use the 2 piece lids as they are watertight, you can shake them a bit to make sure there are no leaks when the lids are getting older.

Stay warm!

Stories From Behind The Bubble‏

This is an idea I had in 2006, before things totally fell apart in my life… I’d like to resurrect the idea now.

Is anyone interested in writing about their life with MCS/ES so we could put together a book with our stories from behind the bubble?


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Finding a Way to Stay Sane in a Crazy World


I’ve been asked how I managed to survive what I lived through. Thanks to a few years of learning about different meditation practices, before I was completely disabled and brain injured by chemical exposures, I was able to see things a bit differently than I might otherwise have, and this little change of perspective allowed me to keep going when things totally fell apart.

I’ve recently run across this most excellent short teaching by Sogyal Rinpoche  discussing the purpose and benefits of meditation:

Coming to Know the Mind


“During this recent teaching in Berlin, Sogyal Rinpoche taught on the deeper aspects of transforming the mind and the purpose of meditation.

You can find more teachings about understanding the mind and meditation at, as well as in Chapters 4 & 5 of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.”


I also ran across this great little article:

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